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$130 Moto E4 Android Phone Reviewed, Excellent Chrome Extensions, Defcon Badges!!! -- TekThing 191

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Defcon Badge Life Forget wrist bands, at DEF CON badges are the proof of payment that grant you entry into the con, and electronic LED covered badges show up every other year. Shannon was all about the #badgelife this year, explains the intense game built into this year's official DEF CON badges (There was an ascii text game built into the badges, and you could plug different badges like human/vendor/artist/speaker/press/etc to influence the results. It's pretty crazy!), then shows off some of the badges she collected at DEF CON 26. Over 50 badges were at the con this year!
Motorola Moto E4 vs. Moto G6 Patrick's Moto G6 took a vacation with Oakand TSA Lost & Found while he was at Defcon,  so he got a chance to test Motorola's Moto E4... which costs a hair under $130. It's WAY- better than the Moto G4 he carried a few year ago, but how does it compare to the $249 G6??? Watch the video, and take a close look at those photos! 
Favorite Chrome Extensions Aiden emailed ask@tekthing.com, "I love extensions for chrome. I have been using the DuckDuckGo extension for a while, and I was wondering if there were any other good ones that I should add for my list." Oh, we've got a few for you... HTTPS Everywhere, LastPass, Privacy Badger, uBlock Origin, TabResize, OneTab, Wunderlist New Tab, and Page Load Time, are just the beginning. (And, hey, check out the FireFox and Brave browsers!)
iDrive Cloud Backup Forstral tweeted, "@TekThing What is your opinion of iDrive cloud backup?" Truth is, never heard of it before you mentioned it... it's kind of like VPNs. There are about 80,000 options, and we can't test 'em all. FWIW, Patrick uses @backblaze, their B2 cloud storage is good for backing up a nas w/ all the Terabytes, and Shannon uses @SpiderOak for cloud backup! 
Thanks Hak5!!! A big Thank You to Hak5 for the studio space! Check out the security and privacy podcasts at hak5.org, then check out the superior pentesting and USB automation tools over at hak5.org/gear, like the most excellent Packet Squirrel: a pocket sized Ethernet man-in-the-middle!
Do Something Analog ...like get your eyes checked!!! Turns out two years between eye exams is probably a tad much, especially if you stare at computer screens all day long!!! (And making sure your vision is corrected properly is just -one- of the reasons to get an eye exam!)
Thank You Patrons! Without your support via patreon.com/tekthing, we wouldn't be able to make the show for you every week! 
THANKS to Hak5 for the studio space! Grab some Hak5Gear and check out the security and privacy podcasts at hak5.org.
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